Cultural Tour 2008 part 4 – Last Day!

After a well-earned lie in, we gathered at Sofia Baptist Church to share worship with the children, see pictures of Geoff’s fundraising skydive, and think about the issues around giving ourselves and our resources.

A guided tour of the new social, media and training centre in the afternoon made us realise just how big this project is, and how much has been achieved so far.

The evening meeting was a traditional Bulgarian event with a youth band and exquisite violin playing by two students at Sofia School of Music. Then there was a Bosa drinking contest. Bosa is an oaten breakfast drink much loved by Bulgarians, but not to every newcomer’s taste!

Thank you Didi for organising, Radi and Plami (married just three weeks before the event) for hosting, Demenujka for guiding, and Pepe for driving. You gave us an unforgettable experience!

All the visitors not only paid for their own trip but also generously agreed to pay an additional £500 towards the centre building costs. Thank you folks!